The most obvious benefit of distance reiki healing is that you can send healing energy to someone even if they are far away. For example, if you have a loved one that is hospitalized somewhere around the world, you can still help them heal with reiki. Another benefit of distance reiki healing is that some people are better able to relax and receive energy when they are in the privacy of their own home. Envision lying in your bed and getting to receive healing energy even though you are by yourself.
For some people, this helps them relax and open up. Some people may not have a reiki practitioner in their area, so distance healing gives them a chance to receive a reiki healing.
Overall, reiki distance healing is incredibly safe, useful, and powerful. It can bring the world together through healing energy. Reiki distance healing can be used on friends, clients, or anyone who you’d like to send healing energy to. Just remember to ask for permission first for the best results. Set your intentions, power up your positive emotions, and visualize beautiful beams of healing energy coming your way.
First we should realize that the Kinslow System is more than just a healing technique for emotional or physical discord. You could look at the QE System as an exclusive healing package for body, mind, spirit, as well as love relationships, work, education, recreation, and healing others including our children, friends, and even our pets. The application of direct healing in the Kinslow QE System is called Quantum Entrainment (QE). It is special among healing techniques. With traditional healing methods there is always a movement of energy generated from or through the healer. The initiator of a QE healing session only starts the process and then watches as healing takes place easily and safely with immediate results.
The best way to explain the Kinslow QE System to others is in terms of rest. Rest is the universal healer. The deeper the rest the deeper the healing. When one does Quantum Entrainment they experience the deepest rest possible, deeper even than deep sleep. This very deep rest results in a very deep healing in seconds to minutes. This kind of healing is natural for anyone once they experience it.
Let me remind you that you already have everything that you need to overcome your challenges and enjoy greater creativity, energy, happiness, and health. It is when you lose touch with your inner harmony that you experience outer disharmony. QE is your personalized process for inner peace and outer prosperity. And it can be received at a distance!
Art Work by Antonia Papatzanaki All Rights Reserved