During our sessions we will be reviewing your diet and habits and offering you guidance to any essential improvements necessary in order to maximize your gains. Coaching, perspective taking and creating healthier paradigms are part of the process along with exploration, reflection and education to ensure a good foundation to build upon.
We will talk about the A-B-Cs of good digestion, proper food combining, the truth on wheat, sugar and coffee, radiation and grounding, and how to bring balance to your life and create happiness and success.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and your health has been like this for how long? The body is very intelligent and can recover, if we only give it what it needs. Food compatible to your body, rich in nutrients, a mindset and an emotional balancing component to align your intentions, your actions and your results.
Coaching sessions are available
Reiki sessions are available
Art Work by Antonia Papatzanaki
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